Happy Friday!
As you may already now, Chris Knitter and I (Moushumi Ghose) started making this film in April, 2011. We are finally close to the finish line, with plans to release Part 1 in a 3 -part docu-series. It's a big hairy beast, and frankly very difficult for just two people to do alone.
And, so I wanted to introudce you to the newest members of our production crew!
We've got several producers who have joined the team, and been working tirelessly day in and day out, to bring you the news and daily updates, not to mention all the other 9 million things which goes along with making a film! I could not do this without this team!
Serina Switchblade
Thank you Serina Switchblade for all your hardwork behind the scenes, on the film Temples and Brothels. Serina is the voice behind all the social media posts you are currently seeing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. She is also never lingering too far away. and is available to answer all your sex-positive, film-related social media questions and comments. Hola, Serina!!
Erik Rosenbluh
The other person who has been hard at word behind the scenes, in the dark depths of the editing room is editor Erik Rosenbluh. Erik and I have been going back and forth with ideas over the last year. His long standing expertise in the film and TV world of Hollywood is a much added plus in helping us cut out the crap, basically!! He's got an extensive resume, so stop by and check out his long list of other works here in Tinsel Town, here.
Andrea Ching
Also, I want to acknowledge Andrea Ching, who has been insanely helpful over the last few weeks in getting various aspects of this project organized. Andrea brings an extensive background in visual design and entrpreneurship to help us complete this documentary film. Check out her work and extensive resume here.
Deb Helt
And, finally, Deb Helt, who's grant writing and non-profit funding expertise has been super helpful when it comes to helping me to write and edit the VO (voice overs and narratives) for Part 1, Sex in the Wild West! She brought a lot of clarity to bring us to this next phase.
Needless to say, this project was far less organized before this whole team of producers jumped in.
Thanks everyone else, too many to mention right now who have been on this journey with me from day one, but you can check out the list of other people who have been part of this journey since we began in 2011, on the About page.
It's been a long ride, for sure, and we are looking forward to the next steps!
Please say Hi to the newest members of our prdocution team Serina Swithblade, Erik Rosenbluh, Andrea Ching, and Deb Helt!
Director, Moushumi hangs with Andrea at That Dick Pic art show October 6, 2017, in DTLA.
Moushumi and Serina Halloween 2017