New Episodes are in the works
Well, hello. It has been a while. Life has a way of taking over.
Temples and Brothels is an important passion project of mine close to my heart and as of late I’ve been taking it real slow in producing more episodes. I have several episodes in the works, but I definitely have to prioritize rest in my life, as when you are passionate about change, it can take a toll not just on one’s psyche, or body, but on your complete being. Taking care of myself is number one these days. I was not sick, per se, but I did experience some serious burnout from overdoing and so I’ve just been wrting songs which is a form of recovery for me, and if you want to learn more about it you can watch this video or listen to this episode on Sluts and Scholars I did about Burnout.
But, with that said and done, I am back! I am feeling renergized and ready for more.
I’ve got several episodes on the docket which I am planning to get into production in the coming weeks, including a big one about Portland: Strip Club Capitol of the US and the Pacific Northwest: Bikini Barista Land which will both exlpore how these two things came to be!
Also I am excited to reveal the India series, filmed primarily in India: The Trifecta of Marriage, Monogamy and Infidelity; Women’s Sexuality; LGBT in the Motherland.
And, back to Los Angeles & Portland to speak with members of SWOP-LA (Sex Workers Outreach Programs), Decrim-LA and OCWS (Oregon Sex Workers Committee) to sex workers’ human rights which cannot be fully realized with criminal laws that threaten their access to justice, health, and social services. Decriminalization protects sex workers from violence. Decriminalization decreases health risks. Decriminalization removes power from traffickers.
So, stay tuned for sneak peeks, full episodes and screening opportunities and more…..
It feels so good to be back!
Love, Mou
Moushumi Ghose, Director, Temples and Brothels, DocuSeries
Girls Next Door Espresso in Portland, Oregon
Happy Holidays!
I am getting excited for 2022! Pre-Production and plans for Season 2 is currently underway. Please stay tuned. I will be disclosing location info and releasing a list of job descriptions as well including some ideas as to what season 2 will be uncovering!
Moushumi Ghose, creator and director holding her EOS Cannon DSLR.
Watch Season 1, Episodes 1-3
Stream NOW!
Stream Episodes 1 and 2 NOW
Temples and Brothels Documentary Series
Behind the Scenes with Cami Parker
Here is some behind the scenes from episode one: Sex In The Wild West. Cami Parker speaks on her work and gives sex advice and info that we can all use!
Many thanks to Cami for not just appearing in our film, but for the work that she is doing to heal the world.
Episode Two Coming Soon!
You all have been so patient with me! I have been trying to wrap my head around episode two: Religion in the Wild West, which looks at religious fundamentalism and sexual religious trauma....and I believe we are close to finishing it!
I hope to have it to you really soon!
If you love sex-positive sex education that inspires to wake the world up by dispelling lies and myths and social constructs, then I really hope you'd consider contributing to my fund!
I am also in the process of revamping my webseries - so I have lots more sex positive sex education film, media and more coming really soon!
Talk to you real soon!
Campaign Has Been Extended!
If you didn't get a chance to donate, we've extended the campaign. You have one more week!
This is the final week to join the parade!
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported, encouraged, inspired, believed in and contributed to this project. I will be posting your contributers names to the site very shortly, if I haven't already. You should be recieving your gifts by Valentines Day including signed copies of my latest book, sex toys, pins, stickers and more!!
Thank you again, I couldn't do this without you.
A humongous THANK YOU to ALL of our contributors thus far and everyone who has supported our project! It encourages me and validates me to no-end to know that you believe in this film. Our campaign ends tomorrow AND because of you, we are so close to finishing part 1.
We have to take a stand against antiquated views around sex, sexuality, which lead to stigma and great injustices like hate and violence.
Stigma is Violence.
This is only a small drop in the bucket of greater change that needs to happen. One day at a time, one piece at a time. We do what we can to make a difference.
Much love and appreciation, Mou
The Final Stretch
We've got about 12 more days left of the campaign. We got quite a few contributions and we're excited that this film is so close to being finished. And, to be able to share it with you.
One of the main themes of the film is to portray sex work in a positive light. Through interviews with the ladies, we journey through Brothelville to bring you some insightful stories behind the scenes and in the life of a brothel sex worker.
One of the topics addressed is that women, particularly wives, may often feel threatened by a prostitute. They fear their husband might cheat with one. We believe that partners cheat for a variety of reasons, and while the concern is that sexworkers make cheating easier, we believe that sexworkers are in fact a scapegoat to a phenonmenon which would happen regardless of how accessible sex work is. In fact, we believe that cheating with a brothel sexworker might even be more desirable. Please note: we are not condoning infidelity. This film hopes to broaden the scope of understanding of sexwork, and the ethical treatment of these professionals.
If you like what you see, feel free to donate here:
Every penny counts. Let's break the stigma around sex and make the world a safer and sexier place.
Adventures in Brothelville Comes to YouTube!
With the crowdfunding campaign in full swing, it seemed like the perfect time to also launch a new You Tube playlist where you can see snippets from the interviews with the working brothel women, experts from sex educators, influencers and more.
This week, our director, Mou is joined by Dr. Laurie Bennet-Cook, the executive director of Sex Positive Los Angeles to talk about why they feel this film is important. Check it out, and check back each week as we add new clips!
Campaign Day 4 Update
Thank you to our fellow Freedom Fighters. We've added a handful of people to our team, as supporters, contributors and donators to the film! We couldn't do it without you! Please visit our campaign page to check out all the new community members below and/or to
And, check out this clip from Peyton, one of our working women featured in the film:
Our Campaign Has Launched Today!!
On the fringes, and outskirts of America, in some of the most rural, and final frontiers of the Wild West, sexuality exists in quiet exile. The stigma around prostitution limits women's autonomy, and perpetuates shame and guilt around sex for both men and women.
#TemplesandBrothels Use this hashtag to raise awareness about sexuality and religious trauma.
#Peacethroughpleasure Use this hashtag to raise awareness about healthy sexuality
Please join our live virtual parties supporting the Sexual Revolution all week long and our campaign to finish this film!
11/20 Monday 10 AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern on Instagram Live:
11/21 Tuesday 10 AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern on
11/22 Wednesday 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern on using hashtag #TemplesandBrothels or #PeacethroughPleasure
Don't get caught in the cold! Join the fun! Join the sexual revolution or just join the conversation!! I look forward to seeing you there!
Vegan and Organic Condoms, Lubes and Sex Toys! OH MY!
We're not just making a film about sex work, we're making a film about healthy sexuality as a whole! And, we're not just healthy sex advocates, we are also environment advocates as well!
Enter Home to all manner of vegan organic condoms, lubes and handmade sex toys all healthy for the human body, and for the environment. Taylor Sparks, the founder of Organic Loven has joined forces with the film's director, Moushumi Ghose and the film Temples and Brothels, in conjunction with IndieGoGo to bring everyone who joins our journey only the best in sex! We simply cannot wait!
Because organic and natural lubes and lubricating sprays are often made with all sorts of plant, fruit, and seed products, make sure that neither you or your partners have food allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients. Also, be sure your lube is ok to be used with latex condoms, because a broken condom can create a mess, not to mention, unwanted pregnancies and spreading of STI's.
Your support means the world to us, and in return we got you covered!
Meet the Producers
Happy Friday!
As you may already now, Chris Knitter and I (Moushumi Ghose) started making this film in April, 2011. We are finally close to the finish line, with plans to release Part 1 in a 3 -part docu-series. It's a big hairy beast, and frankly very difficult for just two people to do alone.
And, so I wanted to introudce you to the newest members of our production crew!
We've got several producers who have joined the team, and been working tirelessly day in and day out, to bring you the news and daily updates, not to mention all the other 9 million things which goes along with making a film! I could not do this without this team!
Serina Switchblade
Thank you Serina Switchblade for all your hardwork behind the scenes, on the film Temples and Brothels. Serina is the voice behind all the social media posts you are currently seeing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. She is also never lingering too far away. and is available to answer all your sex-positive, film-related social media questions and comments. Hola, Serina!!
Erik Rosenbluh
The other person who has been hard at word behind the scenes, in the dark depths of the editing room is editor Erik Rosenbluh. Erik and I have been going back and forth with ideas over the last year. His long standing expertise in the film and TV world of Hollywood is a much added plus in helping us cut out the crap, basically!! He's got an extensive resume, so stop by and check out his long list of other works here in Tinsel Town, here.
Andrea Ching
Also, I want to acknowledge Andrea Ching, who has been insanely helpful over the last few weeks in getting various aspects of this project organized. Andrea brings an extensive background in visual design and entrpreneurship to help us complete this documentary film. Check out her work and extensive resume here.
Deb Helt
And, finally, Deb Helt, who's grant writing and non-profit funding expertise has been super helpful when it comes to helping me to write and edit the VO (voice overs and narratives) for Part 1, Sex in the Wild West! She brought a lot of clarity to bring us to this next phase.
Needless to say, this project was far less organized before this whole team of producers jumped in.
Thanks everyone else, too many to mention right now who have been on this journey with me from day one, but you can check out the list of other people who have been part of this journey since we began in 2011, on the About page.
It's been a long ride, for sure, and we are looking forward to the next steps!
Please say Hi to the newest members of our prdocution team Serina Swithblade, Erik Rosenbluh, Andrea Ching, and Deb Helt!
Director, Moushumi hangs with Andrea at That Dick Pic art show October 6, 2017, in DTLA.
Moushumi and Serina Halloween 2017
Docu Series, It Is.
We've made some more decisions about how we are planning to move forward. First thing, and most important is that we are breaking this docu into 3 parts:
1) Sex in the Wild West
2) Religion in the Wild West
3) Marriage in the Wild West
The current push is to finish Part 1: Sex in the Wild West which will detail our journey into the deep dry mojave desert of Nevada to visit the legal brothels, and to talk to many legal sexworkers, women who work here and were equally as excited to openly share their stories with all of us!
We are currently getting ready to raise some funds. Our crowdfunding efforts would be towards this end, completing Part 1: Sex in the Wild West.
We feel, however, that it is important to clarify, while crowdfunding is about raising money it is ALSO about raising awareness, building community, and getting people involved in a larger way. Money is great, but your involvement is greater.
This film is not about sex work (nor is it about polygamy, or same sex marriage) this film at it's core is about anyone who has ever felt like their sexuality is different from everyone else, for anyone who has felt like who they are inside is not acceptable in a larger society, and for anyone who has struggled to understand their selves, whether it be sexual or otherwise, as a whole.
By exposing layers of stigma around sexuality I hope to paint a broader picture about how lack of acceptance in our society leads to greater violations of the human condition.
This theme will be interwoven through all 3 parts.
As Long as Sex Keeps Happening, We Keep Going.
There is a light. At the end of the tunnel. We can feel it and finally see it. This film has been in post production for a couple of years now, and after much thought, the plan is to now launch episodes in lieu of a feature length.
Please subscribe to our channel we will be hosting the show on Vimeo.
A few updates:
2016 brought T&B back to Los Angeles, and we've added an editor and a sound editor to the post production team.
Erik Rosenbluh has joined us as the official editor for the Temples and Brothels. Some of Erik's former work includes In Heaven There is No Beer, a documentary film about LA's indie music scene circuit Kiss or Kill. From 2001-2006, in which Chris and Mou both took part. Check out Erik on IMDB.
Jarrod Kenney has also joined us as the official sound editor and music supervisor for T & B. Jarrod has been a musician/producer/multiinstrumentalist for many years and he currently works in the musical project Ghosha.
This year, 2017, we've concluded several interviews including Jessica Graham, advocate for ethical non monogamy, actor, meditation coach and author of Good Sex: Getting Off Without Checking Out. We've also interviewd Kerry Porth, sex workers rights activist in Canada who shed light on the laws of their land, which on the surface seem to vary in title but perhaps not in essence, so much.
And, of course many other powerful stories for what we believe to be the fabric of sexuality in the Wild West- America. Thanks for making our journey your journey. This film is about YOU!
Sex Education is Important for Our Youth. Our Country. Our World.
Based on our conversations in the past, I know you agree that sex education is insanely important not just for our youth, but for the future of our country, and even the world. Right. And, you also know that is precisely why we started on this journey making this film. To begin the long process of raising awareness not just about our own journeys in sexuality, but human nature in general. Some of the stuff we talk about may make you squeamish at times, but I suppose that's the point- squeamish topics equals more visibility means more knowledge, which equates to many things including less sexual violence towards women and our children. So, progress. But, it is slow. Just think, how long did it take for us to legalize same-sex marriage? Get a black president? Have a female presidential nominee? Hundreds of (very slow) years.
And, there is more work to be done.
So therefor, we are extremely thrilled you decided to join this journey with us. Stay tuned for more.
Prostitution, Polygamy and Our Search for Sexual Freedom
We drive through these suburban desert communities
There are no more geniuses in California
When you pass they won't be surprised of your diary posts
Your time has gone
As you spend your days in
Suburban desert communities
Fill your bellies with hope
But all inspiration has gone out the window
Everyone knocking on your door begging for some more of that American mainstream
Nothing excites us anymore
It was 1985
You said let's go for a drive
Id rather die
Than watch this paint dry
Hollywood is a ghost town
So many have gone
By way of trees
And those still here
Singing the breeze
Stung by bees
Their dreams lay to rest
In the graveyard at the bottom of this hill
As we head into Nevada
The great Dead Sea of desert
Passed the palm trees a dingo and into the oasis
Of dirt and dry sand
Las Vegas is a ghost town of dried up fruit
Your loins come to live
In haystacks off the road
So fly for miles we go
In search for the open door
That welcomes us in from the open road
Will we find what we’re looking for?
What lay beyond the shiny glass doors and dusty winds of the desert?
Prostitution and Polygamy
Is the death of your soul, they say.
Or maybe it’s the awakening of a dead people
To find something to believe in
In a world where so many things have gone lost.
We arrived on a dry, scorching hot sunny day in August
You lost your camera, or maybe it was just your cool
I lost my sense of belonging so long ago
And here I was among the lot of you
Intrigued by a social political movement
I’d inspired
I inspire change
To change our way of thinking
Cookie cutter lost souls
On the path of normalcy
What lay out there?
We all wanted to know.
We all needed to know.
I was to lead the way.
What they don’t tell you
No one tells you it’s going to be cold in the desert
At night
When the sun goes down
No one tells you it’s going to be scary, and lonely out there
On the road
No one tells you that it’s a lost world out there
You will have to search.
Dig in the darkest darks of the night.
Dig till your fingers are sore, or your eyes are full of fear.
Dig till you can dig no more.
I didn’t know where to go, what to expect, what to do.
I was clueless. Supposed fearless leader. But when the leader loses their way
Their friends show them the light
Through their words and inspiration
I always wanted more
We became friends out there on the road
Some became lovers and more
What we found was indeed
When I threw my clothes all over the floor
In chaos you cleaned my mess and laughed at my nervous neurosis.
But we trudged on.
Pulled by adventure.
From Sin City to Brothels and Beyond
Seven nights in Vegas
Plans for the excitement
What happens in Vegas, stays here, because like the rest of America, it’s illegal
Prostitution is not allowed.
Despite how they paint the town
In media
In America
A city of Sin
But the real sin is the lie
The only thing legal in Vegas is money
The exchange of
The play of
The lie of Sin City is that
Money is The Root of All Evil
So they teach us.
Hence, Sin City
The Sin of Gambling.
But of course Sex is intrinsically linked with Sin.
But where is the Sex in Sin City?
We will drive for miles
We will map our course
We will laugh over drinks
And surmise about sex work
The real sin of sin city is the lie and promise of sex
Which lay beyond the city limits
Far beyond
So far beyond
It might just blow your mind
I want to go to Burning Man....
I want to go to Burning Man.
I woke up this morning and thought, I want to go to Burning Man. Where else can bi, poly, pan, queer, open-minded, fluid liberals people go to play? And, then I remembered all the reasons I did not plan to go to burning man: desert, dry, dehydration, crowds, heat. So much planning goes into going to Burning Man and having a good, fun time if you plan to do it without exhaustion and without overwhelming your system. So here we are days away from burning man, then my thought was, What the F?... Why is it that we have to go somewhere, out to the middle of the desert, to harsh weather conditions with masses of people, to enjoy the reality of who we are? It is unfortunate that this is where my people are.
But, the truth is our people are everywhere. Mostly invisible. We still live in puritan times. We still live in a Christian society. People in button down shirts and straight hair. Not openly embracing music, culture, the color. in Hiding. We’re systematically trying to embrace it and fight it at the same time.
The only way to make change is to become visible. Visible and aware.
So, in honor of visibility I am self-disclosing. I wasn’t really sure if I should. As therapists, we are taught not to self-disclose, too much. But ultimately, this isn’t about me, it’s about progress. In high school I came out as bisexual. I was told by someone who I thought would understand, that I should not flaunt my sexuality. I didn't know why, but that felt homophobic to me at the time. I didn't understand it, but I knew it meant that I should keep my business to myself. But, it was a slap in the face. Our sexuality, like our color, like our gender, like anything we love and believe to be a part of us, should not be hidden. That which we hide is that which we are ashamed of, and this shaming is not okay. Not then and definitely not now.
Let me also say, for the record, I no longer label myself as bi, but rather prefer the term "fluid". For one, bisexuality as a term is gender-binary, suggesting there are only two genders male and female, which we all know is limiting. So, while the title of ‘bi-sexuality’ doesn’t support the fluidity of genders, but still it’s a step in the right direction. And back then, it was good enough for me.
Pansexuality is a more inclusive term you might hear nowadays. Still, people hear the word, ‘pansexuality’, and are like, “Huh? What is that?” Well, in case you don’t know, Panseuxality is the sexual attraction to a person of any sex or gender. Today, I call myself fluid. Fluid captures the ebb and flow of my ever changing sexuality.
Ahhh, so many, too many labels. Right? That is what most people say. In the end, it becomes too confusing for people and they’d rather just identify you with the partner that you are with, or in which direction you lean. Thus, people get bunched in as heterosexual or homosexual. For many this is limiting. So, it's a good thing to ask. Ask people how they identify, and go with that. It really makes us feel heard.
So, here it is. It’s an interview I did on Bisexuality, on the show, “Queer and Dear," with Dr. Frankie, psychologist and founder of Little Gay Book, a premier LGBT dating service in San Francisco.
Check it out here: