I'm going to be interviewing a Mormon couple. (Who's names will be revealed later.) The wife, she's angry at the Mormons. And is an ex mormon, sort of. Well they both are. She was at her aunts house in Encino, CA yes in Los Angeles County, when they were trying to get prop 8 passed. The bishop of their church called the Aunt to hype up the California only incentive. Thousands of Mormons were sent from Salt Lake City to CA to pass the incentive. Side note: I was in Chicago last week at a wedding at city hall. The couple after the wedding I was there for: two men. Gay marriage is legal in Illinois but not in California. Madness. It just doesn't make sense to me. And, on that note, I just haven't had a chance to write or post because I have been so busy with this book. I do want to post some tidbits of the wedding, as it might be in the video as well.
My book "Marriage, Money and Porn" will be out next week. Spent the last two days holed up in my North Hollywood house, like a real writer, editing and rewording, reworking and tidying up the manuscript that is to be my first book. It's a book on sex, relationships, marriage, monogamy and all the myths surrounding sex. It's really a book about myths. It really is a book about sex. I have two good friends submitting pieces for the book, Frappa Stout who is also my editor and a noted journalist, and Miia Rautiainen who is a noted Psychologist in Finland. I met them both at San Francisco State University in my sexually liberal experimental heyday and also where I started my journey into the world of professional sexuality. and I have my dad Sunil Ghose (like father like son), who runs a magazine on top of being head of Research and Development at a major engineering firm for over 40 years doing technical editing and Szymon Potynski who is also photographer for this movie is creating the cover art for my book. I am lucky to be surrounded by such helpful supportive friends and family. Otherwise it would feel as though I am doing this by all by myself, which most days it feels a lonely journey feels like anyway. But its days like today I feel blessed. The Mormon couple also fell into my lap and offered there services. I did not even have to go looking.
I will be selling my book on my website as a self published e-book, for now.
Tata for now (as we say in India and England)